Living in the tension of acceptance and ambition

Hello dear reader.  Welcome to my first ever blog post! In February 2020 I signed up to WordPress and wrote my first blog draft.  I’ve continued to renew my WordPress subscription each year in the hope that I will actually make use of it.  It’s only taken me 4 years to finally publish one!  Starting and finishing things doesn’t come easily to me! Procrastination, perfectionism and priorities play their parts! Fatigue.  Phone apps.  And flopping out… on my bed.  So here I am sitting up a little more on a bank holiday Monday and finally pushing to publish! 

In my blogs I aim to be an encouragement to you.  I hope you know that you are wonderfully unique and so very precious.  If you don’t read any further then please let that sit with you…

Photo by Keegan Houser on

It is something that I am on a lifelong journey to learn in my mind, heart, soul and body.  

This is some of my blog draft written in February 2020:

I think I remember planning to run a marathon when I turned 18. It hasn’t happened. Yet. I am pretty sure I planned to write and record and share an album of songs by the time I was 40. It hasn’t happened… For some years I have had the phrase “acceptance and ambition” whirling through my mind. I have wrestled with ‘shoulds’, ‘coulds’, ‘oughts’ and ‘haven’ts’ that have caused me some anguish and sadness over the years. Thankfully through this time I have known much love joy and peace. But also the desire for more. More discipline, more compassion, more productivity, more success, more recognition, more peace. These have been fairly constant. And so as I reflect on varied messages I hear through different media, I hope to bring some sense of resonance, tolerance and understanding through my words. Ultimately to find greater peace within myself, between myself and others and within and through this great cosmos we find ourselves in. 

Reflecting on that draft now, I recognise and accept the many challenges I have faced since then and the time it has taken to go live with a blog.  It is emblematic of my blog theme.  Learning to live healthily in the tension between with acceptance and ambition is not easy for me.  I wonder how you find it? Do let me know.  Increasingly I also hold the word affirmation closely to heart in these ponderings.  I believe that you and I are truly amazing and loveable, as we are right now.  Human beings more than human doings.  

Sending you love, grace and peace.
